HOME | THE MAGNET ISSUE 1409 | 1408 | 1410 |
Volume | Date | Price | Number of Pages | Colour of Cover | HB Volume(s) |
XLVII | February 16, 1935 | 2d | 28 Pages | Coloured | HBE009 |
Edgar Caffyn Series (Part 6 of 9)
To back up a boast, the Remove are forced to include Coker in their football team, luckilly for Coker as it happens. |
Page 02 | The Remove's Remarkable Recruit! by Frank Richards (Charles Hamilton) |
Page 14 | The Greyfriars Herald #124 (New Series) |
Page 17 | Our Footer Fans' Feature by "Linesman" |
Page 24 | Come Into the Office, Boys! by Anon |
Page 25 | The Sea Spider(Part 2 of 13) by George E. Rochester |
Characters Named
Caffyn, Bunter, Mr. Quelch, Cherry, Nugent, Aunt Judy, Coker, Mauly, Temple, Dabney, Fry, Inky, Bull, Bolsover, Blundell, Wingate, Mr. Prout, Gosling, Mr. Mimble, Mrs. Mimble, Skinner, Peter Todd, Vernon-Smith, Fish, Mr. Sarle, Mossoo, Newland, Russell, Mr. Capper, Potter, Greene, Mr. Lascelles, Hobson, Squiff, Trotter, Dr. Locke, Wharton.