Volume Date Price Number of Pages Colour of Cover HB Volume(s)
9 July 31, 1915 1d 28 Pages+iv Red GBC082
Four schools meet in a week long sporting contest, and Highcliffe spring some surprises.


Page 01 Sportsmen All! by Frank Richards (George Richmond Samways)
Page 21 Driven to Sea!(Part 8 of 12) by T. C. Bridges
Page 28 My Readers' Page by Anon

Characters Named

Nugent, Squiff, Peter Todd, Cherry, Wharton, Hazeldene, Penfold, Vernon-Smith, Russell, Bull, Inky, Dick Trumper, Merry, Gussy, Mrs. Mimble, Lord Eastwood, Ponsonby, Courtenay, The Caterpillar, Wilkinson Major, Wilkinson Minor, Smithson, Dr. Locke, Linley, Brown, Paget, Bolsover, Skinner, Bunter, Fish, Alonzo Todd, Dutton, Bulstrode, Tubb, Wingate, Coker, Potter, Greene, Morgan, Ogilvy, Desmond, Duncan, Clavering, Ward, Trotter, Jimmy Silver, Adolphus Smythe, Manners, Lowther, Figgins, Redfern, Blake, Kangaroo, Tommy Dodd, Courtney, Newcombe, Mr. Prout, Gosling, Mr. Lascelles, Kildare, Raby, Doyle, Flynn, Tommy Cook, Glyn, Temple, Marjorie Hazeldene, Clara Trevlyn, Marie Rivers, Ethel Cleveland, Fatty Wynn, Grundy, Talbot, Lovell, Kerr, Frayne.